It’s that time of year! The start of fall is a busy time for college students. Organization is a big key to success and, of course, there are apps to help you get organized from the start. The educational app market is steadily growing. These apps can be helpful tools to manage classes, projects, meeting deadlines and study time.
The Ivy Tech Library even has a link to an
Assignment Calculator to help keep you on track.
August 24th - Peach Pie Day |
Food and cooking are hugely popular topics of interest these days. John-Bryan Hopkins began his food blog called
Foodimentary about national food holidays in 2006. It’s a fun mix of food facts and food history. Hopkins states,
“My belief is that quick, accurate, food information has a place in social media. In a world where food blogging is communicated through personal experiences, often ego driven or recipes laden prose, I focused strictly on a niche in the marketplace. A nifty name helps too. I truly believe in my “Just the facts Ma’am” approach to blogging.”
Check it out.
August is National Coffee month. Anyone who knows me knows that coffee is a life force for me. I don’t function effectively before my first morning cup. I thought this would be a great opportunity to explore coffee and its interesting history.
Think you know a lot about coffee? Take this coffee quiz from Reader’s Digest:
10 Weird Facts About Coffee Quiz
These are just a few resources to perhaps ignite your interest to learn more. There’s so much out there to learn about. Check out the Library’s newsletter as well. It’s is a fantastic information resource. The possibilities are unlimited. See you soon at the Library.